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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Weddings, Babies, Engagements...

... 2012 is going to be quite a year....

Yesterday I received my 3rd "Save the Date" for a 2012 wedding... yup, that's right, my 3rd.  For some of you that might not seem like a lot, but when there is most likely one more on the way then yeah, 3 save the dates is a lot.

One of the weddings I am in.  It is the wedding between my best friend from college/twin in my sorority, VG, and WM my bf's son in his fraternity.  Their wedding will be the first of 2012 and will be bringing all of us back to good old Bucknell!  Needless to say I am excited for my first Bucknell wedding that is actually at Bucknell!
VG & her fiance WM

VG & I the last time we got to hang out together!
Another one of the weddings is for one of my friends from HS.  I have to admit I was a bit shocked to receive the save the date for this one, because although we were close, I feel like we have lost touch over the years which makes me sad.  I am however honored that KJ has invited me to her wedding... especially since it is to her HS Sweetheart KD.  I always thought that these two would get married one day... even when they were out there dating other people... for some reason I just knew that they would end up together.  I can't wait for their special day!
KJ & I out in NJ a couple of summers ago
The last one we got was for my neighbor from across the street who was always like a little sister to me.  I can't believe that she is all grown up and getting married... seems like just yesterday I was over at their house "babysitting" her and her siblings.  

Neighborhood "Siblings"... KM, the one standing next to me, is the one getting married
Then of course this weekend I have my first baby shower of 2012.  I can't believe that I have friends that are having babies now too!

What really brought about this post is because one of my Jersey best friends, AP, got engaged last night and she apologized for it when she told me.  Yes, you read that right, she apologized. And that makes me feel like a horrible person.  I know why she apologized... because she knows I have been down about the fact that MD & I have been together for what seems forever, and we're not engaged yet.  But I feel like a horrible friend just based on the fact that she was supposed to be happy and yet here she was worried about my feelings and how I would react.  I know AP and I have had our differences at times... and we've also lost touch at times... but I think the fact that she was worried about my feelings speaks volumes about our friendship and makes me realize that she truly is an amazing friend (I mean I already knew that, but it confirmed what I already knew).  Of course I am THRILLED for her... she has wanted this for a while too... and I am so happy that she already asked me to be a part of her wedding!  This is what Jersey besties are for!  AP, if you are reading this I can't wait to hopefully help you out as you plan the PERFECT NJ/NYC wedding!!!!! :)
Jersey Besties :) 

AP & her now fiance CC

We've  been friends for a longggg time!

Hanging out at Bucknell my Senior Year

Love this girl!

But at the same time I feel like a horrible friend, because as happy as I am for her, I am also a little sad and wondering a bit about when it is going to be my time.  I know the saying that "Good things come to those who wait." and that God has a plan for all of us and that things are going to happen when they are meant to happen... but every time I hear about someone else getting engaged it makes me wonder if/when it will ever happen to me.  I know that may sound shallow and selfish... but the reality of it is I'm tired of people asking me when we're going to get married, I'm tired of people asking if we are going to get married before they die, I'm tired of people giving us that look that says "You've been living together for 4 years now, what is going on?!"... I'm really tired of it all.

Am I wrong for how I am feeling? 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Fortune Cookies

Last week I went out to lunch with 2 of my favorite girls, SC & MO.  We went to PF Changs and had a fabulous lunch where we were able to catch up, get advice from each other, and really just have a good time without the stress of work, boyfriends, co-workers, etc.

While we were there we received fortune cookies, and I have to say that I pretty much loved my fortune.  Normally I get fortunes that are silly and that I disregard, but this time was different.  This time my fortune was...
"The best times of your life have not yet been lived."  

I think this may be the best fortune that I have ever gotten.  Things have been rough these past few years, but never so horrible that I really couldn't deal.  There have also been some amazing times these past few years where I have thought that life just couldn't get much better.  This fortune was a wakeup call for me... it reminded me that life goes on and that things will get better and that I have a lot to look forward to.  Sure I may have had some heartbreaks, sure I may have lost people that I love, sure I may have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life right now... but that is ok because they best times of my life probably have not yet been lived.

I am 27 years old and I still have a lot of life to live.  So it is just reassuring to know that although these haven't been the worst times of my life, they also haven't been the best.

Can't wait to see what the rest of 2012 has in store for me!