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Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Blogmopolitian Quiz

So as I was browsing some of my favorite blogs yesterday I came upon a post entitled "The Blogmopolitian Quiz" and I was immediately intrigued.  It seems that Erin over at Two Thirds Hazel has put together a Cosmo quiz for those of us in the blogging world.  I mean who doesn't love reading the celeb's answers to the Cosmo quizzes... best way to learn some interesting stuff about whoever is on the cover.  Well I decided to take a stab at this quiz... so here you go....

I feel like this is kind of boring compared to the celebs, but oh well... I still had fun filling it out!

Before I go, today I want to say thank you to my parents and to let them know what they mean to me (if you read yesterday's post here ... it will all make sense as to why I am ending with this)

Mom & Dad, Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me throughout my 29 years of existence.  You have made me the woman that I am today.  Without your love and support I don't know where I would be or what I would be doing.  You taught me what it was to be kind, to be loving, to cherish  every moment.  You instilled in me so many great values that I hope that I can one day pass along to my future children.  I know I don't say it nearly enough, but thank you for being such amazing parents and role models to me.  I love you both! XOXO 

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