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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Blogger Men Tell All... Thanksgiving Edition

Seeing as it is my birthday week and you all are getting to know me a little bit better this week, I figure this is also a good time for you to get to know my husband a little bit better.  We missed the Blogger Men Tell all link-up last month as the husband was in the UK and I just didn't get around to asking him the questions before he left... blogger fail.  BUT this month, though it has been crazy, we are both around and I have gotten him to answer these questions AND I am linking up ON TIME... blogging miracle!

So once again I am linking up with Samantha over at The Samantha Life, Becca over at Becoming Adorrable and Melissa over at Daily Chaos in order to get my husband a little bit more involved in this little blog of mine.
Me & the hubby... he always makes that face when I ask him to take selfies... I think he purposely tries to ruin them!
one// What food do you look forward to most at Thanksgiving dinner?
Mark: Pie.
Me: Any particular type of pie?
Mark: Nope. All pie.

two// Do you ever go shopping on Black Friday?
Mark: Once in a while. We haven't anymore because we have been driving around.
Me: I think he is referring to the fact that we are always traveling on the holidays so don't really have time to Black Friday Shop.

three// What's your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Mark: I don't know. Having turkey.

four// Do you travel for the Thanksgiving holiday or stay close to home?
Mark: We travel. 

five// What are you most thankful for this year?
Mark: You. 
Me: I'm waiting for more.
Mark: That's it.
Me: Are you sure there isn't anything else?
Mark: Yup. Is there something else I should be thankful for?

Once again my husband is a man of few words on here, but I swear in real life he does talk a bunch.  Maybe after he does a few more of these I'll get him to give more than one word answers without me having to ask follow up questions. 

Becoming Adorrable

What do you think is your significant other's favorite Thanksgiving tradition?


  1. Aw that last question---so sweet! He and Zach have the same mindset about pie and turkey "I love all of it!" haha :D

  2. "I'm waiting for more..." I do the same thing! C'mon, can we get more than 5 words for answers?!


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