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Thursday, May 29, 2014

#tbt... Theme Night Dinner with my Ladies

On Monday one of my best friends, KT came over for a fun Memorial Day dinner with M and I.  It was so great to catch up with her (it has been a few weeks since I had seen her) and we got to reminscing about our "theme" dinners that we used to have all the time when I lived in my old apartment.  Pretty much every few Wednesday nights the girls and I would get together at my place and cook dinner together based off some sort of theme.  We did a Twilight themed dinner where we made food from the movie and then Twilight inspired recipes from online... then we went to see the premier of I don't even remember which of the movies.  We did a breakfast for dinner night one night before Easter and keeping with the "breakfast" theme we died Easter eggs as a group.  We used to have so much fun with these nights and it was a great excuse for all of us to get together and unwind.  Well KT and I have decided that we are going to bring those nights back this summer... and in preparation for that today's #tbt is dedicated to Theme Night Dinners with some of my favorite ladies!!

Opening the champagne outside because we were so terrible at it

Breaking out the big guns... standing mixer

This was our Twilight themed dinner... mushroom ravioli
Vampire Fan cupcakes

Breakfast for dinner!

Easter Eggs!

LOVE these ladies... though we may not all still live super close to each other, they still remain some of my best friends in the entire world! 

Have you ever done theme night dinners with friends? What were some of your favorite themes?

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